Saturday, April 4, 2015

Holiday: Easter Traditions & Crafts

Happy EASTER weekend everyone & the end of Lent!!! Now we can indulge in whatever we gave up for the past 40 days. Great job to those of you who stuck to your goals. Easter always falls on a Sunday but the date is always changing. Easter Sunday usually falls sometime in April. This year it falls on April 5th, 2015. Easter is a great time to celebrate a day with your loved ones.

Some fun Easter traditions & crafts:
~First of all, we love holidays so decorations are very important to us! When we were little we would leave out carrots for the Easter bunny the night before. Then we would wake up in the morning and go find our Easter baskets & head off to church in our best Easter dresses & bonnets. Followed by brunch & an egg hunt once we got back home.

I know once we have children we will do some of the same traditions. As we get older the décor changes a bit but the holiday spirit still says with us. That's why we love to have Easter craft Parties!!! Below are some fun springtime craft ideas:

Peeps in a Nest

Easter Basket Cupcakes

Basic Easter Decorations

Easter Egg Tree

Peeps Easter Flower Arrangement

20 Minute Spring Wreath
This is super easy! Just buy the wreath, flowers, ribbon and wooden letter. Hot glue the flowers on and tie the letter on with ribbon!

~We hard-boil, color and decorate the eggs in spring colors. An egg is the symbol of a new life. Easter is a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The two go hand-in-hand and that is why we believe Easter eggs are such a huge part of the holiday.

~ An Easter egg hunt, we are a little old for that one but it is still fun to do for our little cousin's or niece & nephews. Below is an Easter egg hunt for our cousin's a few years ago.

~Attend an Easter Sunrise Service - this is always a great start to the day.

~ Wear (or make) Easter Bonnets. Our Mom was a very crafty lady and passed that on to us. She taught us how to make our own Easter bonnets.

Easy to make Newspaper Easter Bonnets/Hats:
1. Old newspaper
2. Masking tape
3. Paints
4. craft flowers, ribbon, bows and any other spring stuff for decorating.
What to do:
Lay double-lined sheets of newspaper on top of the child's head, squeeze the sheets down to form a custom crown, put masking tape around it to hold the shape. Repeat to get a more solid hat. Take off & begin making hat brim into shape you want. Once that step is complete, paint you hat in any color you choose. Let dry. Tie your ribbon around the brim and hot glue all the flower & spring décor you choose.

~ Attend Easter Parades and/or spend time outdoors, it's usually always lovely weather in the spring time. It's a great time to enjoy nature. Go for a bike ride, swimming, a walk, or just hang out in your backyard.

~We like to have a big Easter brunch with mimosas after the Sunrise service. Sometimes we do pancakes and sometimes it's an egg casserole but whatever we do we always have family around.

~Lastly, one of our favorite Easter traditions is to make a Bunny Cake! Our Mom used to make bunny cakes for us every Easter (sugar high???) The picture below (bunny on the right) was created by our family in 1994.

BUNNY CAKE directions:

Below is a picture of the Bunny cake Jenn made last year, April 20th, 2014. The one on the right is a bunny cake our mom made in the 90's. This is how the bunny cake tradition started.

* Make any flavor cake you choose and bake in 2(two) 9-inch round can pans.*

after your cake is cooled You Need:
~to leave 1 round cake whole (the bunny's face) and cut the 2nd cake into 3 pieces (bow + 2 ears)
~Place pieces of cake on a large baking sheet (as seen in photos) then frost to connect.
~ You NEED any type of white frosting, we like to use an (8 oz.) tub of COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed
~ white sprinkles or shredded flake coconut (for bunny hair)
~ Candy for the bow tie, nose, mouth, whiskers & eyes. You can use any type of candy you desire. I suggest licorice for the whiskers and mouth (or black/red gel frosting), m&m's, sprinkles, jelly beans etc. for everything else. Another good idea is to sprinkle the coconut on the bunny ears & face for hair. You can look at our sample pictures to get decorating ideas

Until we blog again, XoXo, Connie & Jenn

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